1. To examine contact rings. If on them there are teases, risks, scratches, wear tracks from brushes, etc., rings it is necessary to proshlifovat. If damages of rings do not manage to be eliminated with a skin, pierce rings on the lathe, removing the minimum layer of metal, and then a proshlifuyta. |
2. To check an ohmmeter rotor winding resistance, having connected it to contact rings. Resistance of a winding has to be 2,8–3,0 Ohms at a temperature of 20 °C. |
3. To check a control lamp, whether there is no short circuit of a winding on the rotor case. A tax on one contact of a control lamp alternating current a voltage of 220 V (it is possible to use the battery and a lamp on voltage of 12 V). To connect other contact of a lamp to the rotor case. A voltage of 220 V to connect the second wire from a source of alternating current serially to each contact ring. In both cases the lamp should not burn. If at least in one case the lamp burns, means there is a short circuit and it is necessary to replace a rotor or a winding. |
4. To examine the stator. On its internal surface there should not be rotor zadevaniye traces about the stator. Otherwise to replace bearings of a shaft of a rotor or cover of the generator. |
5. To check, whether there is no short circuit of windings of the stator on the case. A tax on one contact of a control lamp alternating current a voltage of 220 V (it is possible to use the battery and a lamp on voltage of 12 V). To connect other contact of a lamp to a stator winding conclusion, and the second wire from a current source – to the stator case. Thus the lamp should not burn. If the lamp burns, in a winding there is a short circuit, therefore, it is necessary to replace the stator or a winding. |
6. To check, whether there is no break in a stator winding. A tax on one contact of a control lamp alternating current a voltage of 220 V (it is possible to use the battery and a lamp on voltage of 12 V). To connect other contact of a lamp to the case. Serially to connect the second wire from a current source to each conclusion of a winding. In all three cases the lamp has to burn. If at least in one case the lamp does not burn, means there is a break in a winding and it is necessary to replace the stator or a winding. |
7. To examine generator covers. If cracks, especially in places of fastening of the generator are found, covers need to be replaced. |
8. To check ease of rotation of bearings. If at their rotation the side play between rings, a rift or jamming of bodies of swing is felt, such bearings need to be replaced. It is also necessary to replace bearings with the damaged protective rings or traces of dribble of lubricant. |
9. To check ease of movement of brushes in the brush holder. If jammed brushes or they move hardly, to replace the brush holder assembled. The brush holder if on brushes there are chips, cracks or other defects is also subject to replacement. |
10. To check the size of a vystupaniye of brushes from the brush holder. If it less than 5 mm to replace the brush holder. |